Catholic Athletes for Christ
The First Name in Catholic Sports Ministry

    Donate Now

    Catholic Athletes for Christ (CAC) is an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions to CAC are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

    Donations by Check

    Donations by check may be sent to:

    Catholic Athletes for Christ
    3703 Cameron Mills Road
    Alexandria, Virginia  22305

    Donations by Credit Card

    To make a donation by Credit Card using PayPal, click on the button below:


    Estate Gifts

    Please remember CAC when you are writing or updating your will or trust.  CAC receives no money from the Catholic Church and is dependent solely on donations.

    A bequest to CAC can be a gift of a specific dollar amount, a specific piece of property, a percentage of an estate, or all or part of the residue of an estate. You can also name CAC as a contingent beneficiary if someone named in your will/trust is not longer living at the time of your passing. A bequest to CAC is easy to arrange and can be made by including the following words in your will:

    “I give, devise, and bequeath to Catholic Athletes for Christ, 3703 Cameron Mills Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22305 (insert amount of money, percentage of estate, or describe property) to be used for its evangelical and ministry programs.”

    Any type of cash, securities, personal property, or real estate can be given through a bequest. CAC can also be named beneficiary of assets, which often pass outside a will, such as IRAs, pension plans, life insurance, or assets held in a trust.

    Catholic Athletes for Christ | 3703 Cameron Mills Road, Alexandria, VA 22305 | 703.239.3070 |